I apologize, it seems I've fallen off the blogging horse AGAIN! I was doing so much better. Since dad's passing on December 6th, its been kind of a blur. Trying to arrange a funeral, prepare for Christmas, school winter break and then my niece's birthday. PLUS we all were sick with some sort of cold and cough thing that just hung on for weeks (lots of people had this). Whew, its been busy and exhausting. Thankfully, there have been several 3 day weekends so the kids and I just laid around in our pjs, watched movies and chilled out. I'm starting to come out of the fog now, been gutting out closets, have a ton of clothes and books to donate and get out of the house. Starting to feel like I'm making a dent now so I will keep moving forward. My New Year's resolution...to get rid of stuff and sticking to simplicity. Also, to go through and start organizing the family photos and organize baby books.
So far, the cleaning out of stuff is going good. I have been slowed down a few times by a stiff back but then I was able to switch to going through piles of papers (ugh). I finally sat down, went through all the stuff I have kept for the boys. I have memory boxes for all 3. I went through their memory boxes and wrote notes on index cards on why I kept certain things or the history behind it...attached it to the item. Everything in all 3 boxes are now complete. All 3 have baby books (you know the ones, where you write down all their firsts and accomplishments)....been through them and they are all complete with pictures added. All that is left is to finish an ABC book I had made Austin (it had a few blank areas)and update a Disney album I have for each boy (with pics and memories from each Disney trip...with space for ones to come!). So as you can see, I have made alot of progress - I am proud of myself for sticking to you and it's still January! Once all that is done, then it will be to conquer ALL THE PHOTOS....ok, this could be a very long ordeal! Good luck to everyone who made their New Year resolutions and hope you can stick with them. Happy New Years and may the new year bring you many blessings, good health and much happiness!
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